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a shiny doorstop

dense. intense and full of facets

celebrating the beauty of material

Baiser is a substantially bold AND delicate version of its fluffy lightweight role model. Made in aluminium sand cast the meringue piece weighs a good kilo. Speaking for itself in shiny facets or as a doorstop it finds its destiny.

In an enjoyable interpretation of sweets, the baiser as part of the object series "the importance of the obvious" stimulates not only the senses but also the discourse on the materials that surround us. It invites us to to feel and comprehend materiality and questions our ideas between naturally grown and artificially produced ingredients as well as their material combinations and values. 


material casted aluminium, polished

size height 11 cm, ø 11 cm
weight 1,2kg

limited edition: 10 + 1 AP


availability made to order

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2024 studio högl borowski

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