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we eat for the sake of enjoyment


material ash veneer, pu foam, glass mirror

topping materials COCOS - super thin resin flakes, NUT BITS - compact wood bits
size  ø 55 cm or ø 70 cm

weight 4,9 kg


In an enjoyable interpretation of sweets, the donut as part of the object series "the importance of the obvious" stimulates not only the senses but also the discourse on the materials that surround us. It invites us to to feel and comprehend materiality and questions our ideas between naturally grown and artificially produced ingredients as well as their material combinations and values.

The pop icon among candies serves as a model: the donut. Two pieces of wood filled with foam and garnished with icing and toppings wraps their viewers in fluffy sweet garment. 

All mirrors are available in different sizes, colours and toppings. 


availability made to order

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2024 studio högl borowski

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